Audio/Video, Podcasts & YouTube

*Information from these resources may not always be relevant for everyone. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your health and/or lifestyle.


Lively Living with Lupus - Lydia Romero Johnson

A registered nurse & holistic health coach who aims to teach women with lupus how to regain their energy, thrive without pain, and create the life of their dreams.

Lupus Science & Medicine Podcast - BMJ Group

A global, peer reviewed, Open Access, online journal that provides a central point for publication of a variety of studies of all aspects of lupus and related diseases.


Life After Lupus - Brenda Bergen

Brenda Bergen is a vital part of the BC Lupus Society and a lupus survivor. She tells her story on living with lupus and how she has conquered this disease and taken control of her life.

Walk a Block for Lupus - Kelowna