About Us
About the Lupus Society
Our Mission is:
To support advances in research and treatments; to create public awareness; to provide education and support to people affected by lupus.
Our Vision is:
That early diagnosis and optimal treatment will be available to everyone with lupus
That the public at large will be aware of lupus
To ensure community based support networks and services
Where we came from:
In 1977 a group of lupus patients, with the support of three rheumatologists, formed a support group, known as the Lupus Erythematosus Group (L.E.G.). With an increasing membership and expanding representation throughout the province, the name was changed to the B.C. Lupus Association in 1980. In January 1993 the group was incorporated as an official non-profit society in accordance with the Society Act, and the name was changed to the B.C. Lupus Society. In 2007 the BC Lupus Society celebrated 30 years of working together to conquer lupus.
Who we are:
The Lupus Society is the only BC organization dedicated solely to providing lupus education and support services. We are committed to sponsoring research and providing hope for those affected by lupus.
The Lupus Society is incorporated province-wide, with members residing across the country and internationally, as far away as Singapore and Hong Kong. An extensive volunteer network of 8 support groups and 33 provincial contacts, we provide a wide variety of services which link the Lupus Society to thousands of people touched by lupus.
The Lupus Society sponsors and assists in the development of location support groups and provides access to literature on lupus and coping with this chronic illness. The Society also organizes education meetings and seminars where medical and professional resource people discuss all aspects of lupus including new trends in research.
There are many dedicated volunteers throughout the province. Their continued dedication, enthusiasm and support is integral to the success of the Lupus Society. Our support groups, provincial contacts and chapters provide information and support to those in their communities, actively participating in public awareness campaigns and initiating fundraising efforts. As well, there are other valued and committed volunteers who generously donate their time to various ongoing and special projects.
The Board of Directors is comprised of up to ten volunteers, who are elected into their position at the Annual General Meeting. Their responsibilities and activities range from reviewing and assessing the needs of the Lupus Society membership; sourcing, researching, developing and implementing programs and services to best fulfill these needs; initiating fundraising activities and grant application funding; liaising with the medical community and government regarding advocacy and education; assisting in the development of national programs and campaigns; liaising with other lupus organizations throughout the world.
BC Lupus Society Executive & Board of Directors
Executive Director: Ivana Cecic, Ph.D.
President: Samuel Cochrane
Treasurer: Dilshad Aulakh
Director at Large: Valerie Gosselin
Grant Policy
From time to time the BC Lupus Society provides grant funds for various research projects related to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and other forms of the Lupus disease.
Because we are a charitable organization and rely on the donations of our generous supporters, we believe that it is in our best interests, and the wish of our donors, to not attempt to match the indirect cost rates of government, various agencies, and educational institutions.
This policy helps to ensure that we meet our charitable purpose, including support of research efforts, with the backing and approval of our membership and donors.
Our priority for funding is for projects headed and carried out for the most part in British Columbia and alternatively the rest of Canada. We do not provide funding for projects based outside of Canada.
If you believe that your research project will be of interest to the society, please email a letter of introduction to info@bclupus.org attention President.
Indirect Costs definition (not limited to):
Overhead expenses or ongoing operational costs incurred by the applicant organization on behalf of the organization’s activities and projects, but that are not easily identified with any specific project.
Administrative or other expenses which are not directly allocable to a particular activity or project.
Expenses related to general operations of an organization that are shared among projects and/or functions.
Basic examples include executive oversight, existing facilities costs, accounting, grants management, legal expenses, utilities, and technology support.